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Wolfestone director wins "Entrepreneur Woman of the Future" award

This week Anna Bastek won the Entrepreneur Woman of the Future award at the annual Women of the Future Awards, held at the London Hilton Hotel.
7571556-largeThis week Anna Bastek, Wolfestone co-founder, was featured in the Evening Post for winning the Entrepreneur Woman of the Future award at the annual Women of the Future Awards, held at the London Hilton Hotel. She was also featured in an article by "The Wave". The award is recognition of her "outstanding achievements and business acumen". Miss Bastek said: "It was a bit of a shock. When I arrived here from a communist country I started from scratch. I set myself high expectations but I could never imagine it would have done so well." She gives invaluable advice to anyone who wants to start their own business: "Do it in your spare time to start with, don't just give up your job, and spend your money on marketing and getting customers, not flash offices, work from home to begin. And don't listen to negative people, believe in yourself." Read the full Evening post article Read the 'The Wave' article

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